
Dr. Naresh Gupta

















In overall prospect of Shri Aggarsain International Hospital Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation is one of the most important components of the overall care of patients. The physiotherapy and other rehabilitative services are designed to suite various requirements of patients to attain maximum functional restoration and return them to a healthy active life-style. A variety of rehabilitative techniques are customized to suite different requirement after assessing various needs of each patient. Physical Rehabilitation is a branch of Health care science, which mainly concentrates on the physical and functional aspects of an individual’s health, by treating their physical and functional limitation/ailments.  It works towards this by maintenance and rehabilitation of the individual’s physical and functional activity by bringing back the lost activity to near normal perfection, it uses physical agents and various therapeutic exercise approaches for the treatment of patients. Physical Rehabilitation describes specialized healthcare dedicated to improving, maintaining or restoring physical strength, cognition and mobility with maximized results. Typically, rehabilitation helps people gain greater independence after illness, injury or surgery. Rehabilitation can also be explained as the process of helping an individual achieve the highest level of function, independence, and quality of life possible. Rehabilitation does not reverse or undo the damage caused by disease or trauma, but rather helps restore the individual to optimal health, functioning, and well-being.

Physiotherapists at Shri Aggarsain International Hospital practices evidence-based treatment approaches to promote, maintain and restore physical, psychological and social well-being, taking account of variations in health status. Using knowledge from their extensive scientific background of human anatomy and physiology, SAIH Physiotherapists can help to assess, diagnose and treat conditions and illnesses that affect people in all ages and social groups, assist in injury prevention and promote healthier lifestyles for all.

Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Facilities:  The physiotherapy department provides both inpatient and outpatient service to patients referred by their Consultants.  Services are divided into a number of areas of specialization each headed by a Senior Physiotherapist, under the supervision and guidance of Dr. Naresh Kumar (PT), Head of Department (Physiotherapy Services)




The Physiotherapy treatment includes:

We are proud to offer a wide range of physiotherapy services. Our team of professional therapists specializes in providing relief from pain and rehabilitative therapy across our network of physiotherapy clinics, partner hospitals, and patient home.

  • Neurological physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 
  • Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy and  Rehabilitation
  • Cardio-Pulmonary Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 
  • ICU Care Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 
  • Pediatric Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
  • Geriatric Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
  • Women Health and Antenatal, Post Natal Physiotherapy.
  • Office ergonomic and Preventive Physiotherapy

Neurological physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

Our physiotherapy and Rehabilitation department are specially designed and well equipped with advanced technologies under the supervision of Dr. Naresh Kumar for the rehabilitation of patients suffering from Brain stroke, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, nerve injury, spinal cord injury, etc. Recovery from Brain Stroke, Head Injury and spinal cord injury depending upon its severity, in our department we treat patients in daycare and every patient got the functional approach of treatment with personalized care, that helps the patient to gain his mobility and control of his body parts at the maximum possible level. We also deliver services to patients those who are suffering from various neurological impairments or have undergone neurosurgical procedures, it helps to restore lost functions and maximize functional independence to maximum possible level. We have a team of trained Neuro-physiotherapist with advanced technologies like Able-X, Sensa Move, Functional Electrical stimulation, Partial body weight supported treadmill trainer, EMG bio-feedback therapy and various technology to restore functions.

Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

We have expertise in the treatment of musculoskeletal (muscle and joint) conditions, which deals with conditions related to the muscles, bones and joints of the human muscle and skeletal system, such as back pain, neck pain, Spinal Pain, Joint Pain, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Post Total Knee, Hip, Shoulder and other Replacement Surgeries Etc. Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy employs advanced clinical assessment and diagnosis methods. We are the leaders in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of muscle and joint problems, and our department is fully equipped with advanced technologies like Class IV LASER, Combination Therapy, Advanced Intellect Combi (Chattanooga), Long Wave Diathermy, SWD, IFT, U.S Therapy.

Cardio-Pulmonary Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

It is a specialized branch of physiotherapy that deals with conditions related to the lung and circulatory system (e.g. heart). Conditions fall into this category are bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive lungs disease and pneumothorax. Generally, this will be an in-patient area. Meaning patient is still inward such as after cardiac and pulmonary surgery. Our Physiotherapists are skilled in helping patients who are coping with acute or chronic respiratory or cardiovascular conditions by improving the function and capacity of their cardiorespiratory system. Our respiratory physiotherapist provides the best treatment to the patients in performing specific breathing and secretion clearance techniques, resistance training, endurance exercises, and a specific exercise prescription—all of these can help the patients feel better and get more out of life. Out-patient care such as chest percussion treatment will be sometimes called upon for patient who suffers from attacks of chest congestion and finds it difficult to breathe. A cardiopulmonary physiotherapist plays a vital role in most intensive care units. Cardiopulmonary physiotherapy also offers cardiac rehabilitation and pulmonary rehabilitation as an outpatient. Cardiopulmonary physiotherapy & rehabilitation services

ICU Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

We are providing Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation to the entire patient in all the ICUs (including, pediatric/neonatal, Surgical, Medical, and neurosurgical ICUs) and wards (includes patients suffering from various medical conditions and patients undergone surgical procedure including abdominal, gynecological and oncological surgeries). It includes prevention of negative effects of bed rest and physical deconditioning, maintaining pulmonary functions after various surgical procedures such as cardiac surgery, transplant surgery, abdominal and neurosurgeries. It also includes the mobilization of patients out of bed. Various procedures include chest physiotherapy, limb physiotherapy, strengthening/stretching exercises, active and passive movements, in bed mobility intervention, wheelchair mobilization, and ambulation, etc.

Pediatric Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

Our pediatric physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists are experienced and well trained to treat a wide variety of childhood diseases like Cerebral Palsy, Delayed milestones, Muscular dystrophies, and so many other diseases, with a focus on improving function and increasing independence. Physiotherapy has a positive and significant impact on pulmonary function, motor control, muscle strength, and physical endurance in a pediatric patient. Physiotherapy interventions focus on movement and improvements in function to increase both the child’s and family’s quality of life. Improved function and involvement in daily activities provides more opportunity for social engagement.

Sports Injury Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

There are many sports injuries commonly treated in our physiotherapy department, such as Tennis Elbow, Ankle Sprain, rotator cuff injury and so many others muscular, and ligaments injury. Our physiotherapy department is fully equipped with the latest technology like LASER therapy, IFT, TENS Combination therapy, and longwave diathermy, etc.  Our physiotherapist use evidence based exercise protocol for speedy recovery of sports injury patients.

Geriatric Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

The elderly have diseases and disorders in greater numbers than any other age group; their care is difficult but rewarding. In SAIH Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Services' Geriatric rehabilitation program focuses on the physical disabilities of the senior citizens. The process of aging is often complicated by several physical conditions and disorders like arthritis, osteoporosis, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, hip, and joint replacement, balance disorders, incontinence and so on. The program helps those affected by such problems and many others which may be directly or indirectly related to old age. We have developed a specialized programme to help restore mobility, reduce pain, and increase fitness levels of the patients who, like all of us, deserve a dignified and independent life.  Women Health and Antenatal, Post Natal Physiotherapy.

Our women’s health physiotherapy practice is holistic.  It is not just about teaching pelvic floor muscle exercises, although this is obviously an important element, our treatment is tailored to help reduce any pain or embarrassment patients may be experiencing, whilst at the same time restoring and/or improving function (be it bladder, bowels or mobility).  Patients are often surprised to learn that women’s health physiotherapy involves a broad range of treatment and advice, for example on bladder and bowel habits, diet, fluid intake, exercise and lifestyle.

Office Ergonomic and Preventive Physiotherapy

We organizes corporate training program on office ergonomic for prevention of wrong posture and repetitive strain injury (RSI), and we administered the exercise programme in that session after the examination and assessment of patients. We also organize the preventive health camps and public awareness program on various conditions for the all section of society.